We do love our typewriters! Unfortunately none of ours are for sale. We like to hoard them & admire them & use them. We always have a couple set up for your use at both locations. Come in and write a letter any day for a nominal fee.
We also host a monthly Letter Writing Club in case you'd like to meet other typewriter enthusiasts.
As for repairs, we don't offer this service and it is getting harder and harder to find experts in this field. A lot of the time typewriters just need a good cleaning with some compressed air, a little oil to loosen the joints and a new ribbon. The good news is that we do sell a Universal Typewriter Ribbon which fits most manual machines. The spools measure 2 inches in diameter. We carry all black or black & red.
If you are looking to buy a typewriter it is always fun to keep your eye out at flea markets, garage sales and thrift stores. Also, in Vancouver, our friends at Stepback usually have a nice selection. And if you are in Victoria, might we suggest Zeitgiest.
Happy typing!