the lowercase reading room

Previously a storage closet, currently a reading room, the lowercase is home to hundreds of zines and self published books. It features the former collections of the (over)view gallery and Cyclops Library, with a cozy little sitting area, all in a space measuring less than 9 by 3 feet. Visit the lowercase reading room in our Vancouver location or read a little bit more about its history on our blog post from June 2022.

None of the books in our reading room are for sale, but we do sell copies of the weird little books we make in-store & on our online shop.

If you happen to also make books, they are always welcome on the shelves of the lowercase reading room. Please drop by our Vancouver store or feel free to send them by post to 3934 Main Street, Vancouver B.C. V5V 3P2 Canada. Be sure to include a return address so we can send you a thank you note for your kind donation!

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